(中国武汉 2013年6月8-9日)
会 讯
1. 现当代英语文学运动与族裔文学
2. 现当代英语文学的伦理批评
3. 现当代英语文学批评的族裔视角
4. 英语先锋诗歌的当代实践与理论探索
5. 诗歌形式的政治
6. 现当代英语文学的翻译、传播与教学
联 系 人:张琴老师、徐莉老师、罗良功教授
电 话:027-67865655、67866042
会 议 议 程
08:00-21:00 报到 (华中师范大学桂苑宾馆电话:027-67863418)
8:10—8:50 开幕式(华中师范大学科学会堂)
主 持:罗良功 教授 华中师范大学外语学院副院长、中美诗歌诗学协会常务理事
致 辞:聂珍钊 教授 《外国文学研究》主编、中美诗歌诗学协会副会长
黄晓玫教授 华中师范大学副校长
胡亚敏教授 华中师范大学文学院院长
廖美珍教授 华中师范大学外国语学院院长
苏珊·斯图瓦特 普林斯顿大学教授、诗人
汉克·雷泽尔 阿拉巴马大学副教务长、教授、诗人
贺 辞:马乔瑞·帕洛夫 斯坦福大学教授、中美诗歌诗学协会会长
8:50-9:20 集体合影 (九号楼前)
9:20—12:00 主题发言(华中师范大学科学会堂)
9:20-10:25 大会主题发言(第一场)主持人:张爱平 (加州州立大学奇科分校教授)
发言人:09:20—09:50 苏珊·斯图瓦特 (普林斯顿大学教授、诗人)
题 目:诗歌的过度解读与不足解读:以狄金森的第764首诗为例
09:50--10:20 汉克·雷泽尔 (阿拉巴马大学教务长、教授、诗人)
题 目:乔治•奥本与拉里•艾格纳:两位值得更多推介给中国的诗人
主持人:苏 晖(华中师范大学教授)
评议人:黄运特 (美国加州大学圣芭芭拉分校教授)
10:25--10:55 丹尼尔·奥尔布赖特 (哈佛大学教授)
题 目:诗歌中的艺术转换
10:55--11:25 罗益民 (西南大学教授)
题 目:从诗与画的界说看艺术的本体价值——以美国的视觉诗为例
11:25--11:55 李英石 (韩国汉阳大学教授)
题 目:艺术转换:叶芝与阿什伯利
12:10-13:30 欢迎宴会 (桂苑宾馆中餐厅)
14:10-17:40 分组讨论(外国语学院6个会议室)
14:10-15:40 小组讨论(第一场)
15:40-16:10 茶歇
16:10-17:40 小组讨论(第二场)
18:00-19:00 晚餐
19:30-21:30 诗歌朗诵会 (科学会堂)
致 辞:史蒂文•特雷西 (美国马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校教授)
郭 雯(华中师范大学博士生)
08:00-11:40 分组讨论(外国语学院1-6号会议室)08:00-09:40 小组讨论(第三场)
09:40-10:00 茶歇
10:00-11:40 小组讨论(第四场)
14:00-17:55 全体会议
14:00—15:30 大会主题发言(第三场)
主持人:黎志敏 (中国广州大学教授)
评议人:金英敏 (韩国东国大学教授)
14:00—14:30 阿尔顿•尼尔逊 (美国宾州州立大学教授)
题 目:劳依德•艾迪逊的《波可可》:一个先锋诗的个案研究
14:30—15:00黄运特 (美国加州大学圣芭芭拉分校教授)
题 目:美国诗歌的声音风景
题 目:声音的自然化与社会化:论索尼娅•桑切斯诗歌
15:30—15:50 茶歇
15:50—17:20 大会主题发言(第四场)
评议人:杰瑞·沃德 (美国迪拉德大学杰出教授、华中师范大学海外名师计划特聘教授)
15:50—16:20 郑建清(美国密西西比河谷州立大学教授)
题 目:理查德•赖特的《我是无名辈》中的禅
题 目:车学敬在《放逐者与时间终点》中的戏谑书写
16:50—17:20 张跃军(中国中南大学教授)
题 目:现代美国诗歌中的中国形象
17:25-17:55 自由发言
主 持:司各特•史蒂文斯(美国芝加哥纽伯瑞图书馆 麦克尼克中心主任)
朱振武 (上海大学教授)
18:10-19:30 晚宴及闭幕式(桂苑宾馆中餐厅)
主持:罗良功 (中美诗歌诗学协会秘书长)
致辞:聂珍钊 (中美诗歌诗学协会副会长)
The 2nd Convention of the Chinese/American Association for Poetry and Poetics &
International Symposium on Modern and Contemporary Literatures in English(Wuhan, China * June 7-9, 2013)
June 7, 2013
RegistrationGuiyuan Hotel, Central China Normal University
Wuhan, China (Phone: 86-27-6786 3418)
8:00 am—9:00 pm
June 8, 2013
08:10-08:50 Opening Ceremony (Conference Hall, CCNU)
Luo Lianggong, Prof of Central China Normal University, Execcutive Director of CAAPSpeakers:
Nie Zhenzhao, Professor of Central China Normal University, Vice President of CAAP
Huang Xiaomei, Vice President of Central China Normal University, CCNU
Hu Yamin, Dean and Professor of School of Chinese Language and Literature, CCNU
Liao Meizhen, Dean and Professor of School of Foreign Languages, CCNU
Susan Stewart, Prof of Princeton University, USA
Hank Lazer, Prof of University of Alabama, USA
Greetings from
Marjorie Perloff, Prof of Stanford University, CAAP President
Charles Bernstein, Prof of University of Pennsylvania, CAAP Vice President announced by
(To be read by Luo Lianggong)
08:50-09:20 Group Photo
09:20-12:00 Plenary Sessions (Conference Hall, CCNU)
9:20-10:25 Plenary Session 1
Chair: Aiping Zhang (Professor, California State University Chico)
Discussant: Aldon Lynn Niesen (Professor, Penn State University)
Keynote Speaker:
09:20-09:50 Susan Stewart (Professor, Princeton University)
Title: Over- and Under-interpretation in Reading Poetry:Taking Emily Dickinson’s "My life had stood—a loaded gun" for Example
09:50-10:20 Hank Lazer (Professor, University of Alabama)
Title: George Oppen and Larry Eigner: Two American Poets Deserving of Much Greater Availability to Chinese Readers
10:25-12:00 Plenary Session 2
Chair: Su Hui (Professor, Central China Normal University)
Discussant: Yunte Huang (Professor, University of California, Santa Barbara)
Keynote Speakers:
10:25—10:55 Daniel Albright(Professor, Harvard University, USA)
Title: Ekphrasis in Poetry
10:55—11:25 Luo Yimin (Professor, Southwest University, China)
Title: An Ontological Study of American Visual Poetry from the Viewpoint of Poetry-Painting Distinctions
11:25—11:55 Young Suck Rhee (Professor, Hanyang University, Korea)
Title: Ekphrasis: Yeats and Ashbery
12:10-13:30 Banquet ( Guiyuan Hotel, CCNU)
14:10-17:40 Panel Sessions
Place: School of Foreign Languages Building
14:10-15:40 Panel Session 1
15:40-16:10 Tea Break
16:10-17:40 Panel Session 2
18:00-19:00 Dinner (Guiyuan Hotel, CCNU)
19:30-21:30 Poetry Reading (Conference Hall, CCNU)Co-hosts: Steven Tracy (Professor, Massachusetts Amherst)
Shang Biwu (Associate Professor, Zhejiang Gongshang University)
Guo Wen (Ph. D. Candidate, Central China Normal University)
June 9, 2013
8:10-11:40 Panel Sessions
Place: School of Foreign Languages Building
8:10-9:40 Panel Session 3
9:40-10:10 Tea Break
10:10-11:40 Panel Session 4
12:00-13:00 Lunch (Guiyuan Hotel, CCNU)
14:00-17:55 Plenary Sessions (Concert Hall, CCNU)
14:00—15:30 Plenary Session 3
Chairs: Li Zhimin (Professor, Guangzhou University, China)
Discussant: Youngmin Kim (Dongguk University, Korea)
Keynote Speakers:
14:00—14:30 Aldon Lynn Nielsen (Professor, University of Alabama, USA)
Title: Lloyd Addison’s Beau Cocoa: An Avant Garde Case Study
14:30—15:00 Yunte Huang (Professor, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA)
Title: The Soundscape of American Poetry
15:00—15:30 Luo Lianggong(Professor, Central China Normal University, China)
Title: The Naturalization and Socialization of Sound in Sonia Sanchez’s Poetry
15:30—15:50 Tea Break
15:50—17:20 Plenary Session 4
Chairs: Peter I-min Huang (Professor, Tamkang University, Taiwan)
Discussant: Jerry Washington Ward, Jr. (Distinguished Professor, Dillard University, USA)
Keynote Speakers:
15:50-16:20 John Zheng ( Professor, Mississippi Valley State University, USA)
Title: Zen in Richard Wright’s I AM NOBODY16:20-16:50 Akitoshi Nagahata (Professor, Nagoya University, Japan)Title: Theresa Hak Kyung Cha’s Playful Writing in Exilée and Temps Mort16:50-17:20 Zhang Yuejun (Professor, Central South University, China)
Title: The Image of China in American Modernist Poetry
17:25-17:55 Open-Mic Speeches
Chairs: Scott Manning Stevens (Director, Newberry Library, Chicago, USA)
Zhu Zhenwu (Professor, Shanghai University)
18:10-19:30 Banquet & Closing Ceremony (Guiyuan Hotel, CCNU)
Host: Luo Lianggong (Executive Director, CAAP)
Speakers: Nie Zhenzhen (Vice Presisdent, CAAP)
Poetry Reading (Open-Mic)
小组研讨安排 / Programs for Panel Sessions
School of Foreign Languages Building
第一场小组讨论/Panel Session 1(14:10-15:40, June 8)
1-1 先锋诗歌与诗歌实验(1)
Avant Garde Poetry and Poetic Experiments (1)
时间/Time:14:10-15:40 地点/ Place: Room 3201 (同声传译室)
主持人/Chairs:金英敏/Youngmin Kim,陈世丹/Chen Shidan
金英敏Kim, Youngmin
*(20 mins) The Politics of Poetic Form: Ezra Pound, Charles Olson, and Robert Duncan
陈世丹Chen Shidan 诗与注释构成的互文结构和语言游戏
The Intertextual Structure and Language Games Formed with Poem and Commentary
方文开Fang, Wenkai 断裂•违规•颠覆:未来主义的定义原则——评帕洛夫的《未来主义时刻:先锋派艺术及断裂的语言》
Rupture, Transgression, Subversion: the Defining Principle of Futurism——A Review of The Futurist Moment: Avant-Garde, Avant Guerre and the Language of Rupture
陈书平Chen,shuping 华莱士•史蒂文斯诗歌与西方现代美术
Wallace Stevens and Western Modern Painting
方 军Fang, Jun 威廉斯早期诗歌的绘画性
Beauty is Arrangement: Painterly Qualities in Williams’s Early Poetry
李小洁Li, Xiaojie 威廉斯的读画诗“The Pot of Flowers”
William Carlos Williams’s Ekphrastic Poem “The Pot of Flowers”
郭萍/卢娇Guo Ping/Lu Jiao 内在性形式下的政治意图——以《消费员的生活》为例
The Politics Reflected in the Immanence Forms——Taking “The Lives of the Toll Takers” as An Example
1-2 诗歌重读 (1)
Reinterpretation of Poetry (1)
时间/Time:14:10-15:40 地点/ Place: Room 234 (二楼会议室)
主持人:郑建青、黎志敏 Chairs: John Zheng, Li Zhimin
黎志敏Li, Zhimin On Gu Cheng: Rise and Fall of a Fairy Tale
白阳明Bai, Yangming 叩问影子——解读威廉•斯坦利•默温的《天狼星的影子》
Questioning the Shadow——Interpreting William Stanley Merwin’s Sirius Shadow
蔡海燕Cai, Haiyan 诗歌的秩序:奥登诗歌创作观探析
The Order of Poetry: Wystan Hugh Auden’s View of Poetry Creation
Hu, Meihong “母亲诗人”:解读普拉斯“母爱诗歌系列”
“Mother Poet”: Interpreting “Motherhood Poem Sequence” by Sylvia Plath
Jiao, Youping
Turbulent Subversion of Mother Images: Poetics of Influence Reading of Kaddish and My Mother’s Nipples
马文Ma,Wen 比利·柯林斯诗歌的“二流性”探析
On the Minorness of Billy Collins’ Poetry
李小雪Li, Xiaoxue 对弗罗斯特诗歌《熄灭吧,熄灭》的修辞分析
Rhetorical Analysis on Robert Frost’s “Out,Out-”
1-3 小说新视角(1)
New Perspectives to Fiction (1)
时间/Time:14:10-15:40 地点/ Place: Room 3320
主持人:张强、戴鸿斌 Chairs: Zhang, Qiang; Dai Hongbin
戴鸿斌Dai, Hongbin 《安慰者》的互文性策略
The Intertextual Strategy in The Comforters
陈娜Chen, Na “追寻”母题的现代性解析—以诺曼·梅勒小说为例
Motif of Pursuit in Norman Mailer’s Novels
张甜Zhang, Tian 被压抑的城市灵魂——评贝娄《洪堡的礼物》
Urban Souls Besieged: Bellow and Humboldt’s Gift
柳文文Liu,Wenwen 凝 视:从灵魂的眼睛到肉体的感觉——菲利普·罗斯《人性的污秽》解读
Gaze: From the Eyes of the Soul to the Sense of the Body--An Interpretation to the Philip Roth’s The Human Stain
金万锋Jin, Wanfeng 越界的文化记忆——菲利普·罗斯后期小说探微
The Transgressive Cultural Memory: A Study of Philip Roth’s Later Novels
贺润东He, Rundong 论《双城记》中德法奇夫人的角色的变化
On the Role Change of Madame Defarge in A Tale of Two Cities
陈妙玲Chen, Miaoling 《啊,拓荒者!》的生态伦理解读
An Ecological Analysis of O Pioneers
1-4 伦理、生态、文学(1)
Ethics, Ecology and Literature (1)
时间/Time:14:10-15:40 地点/ Place: Room 3317
主持人:杨建、易建红 Chairs: Yang Jian, Yi Jianhong
杨建Yang, Jian 乔伊斯的文学伦理思想
On Joyce’s Literary Ethical Thought
易建红Yi, Jianhong 文学伦理学批评视域中的《海狼》
A Study on The Sea Wolf from the Perspective of Ethical Literary Criticism
李金云Li, Jinyun 勒维纳斯的“伦理”与保罗•奥斯特的《布鲁克林的荒唐事》
Levinas’ Ethics and Paul Auster’s The Brooklyn Follies
龙瑞翠Long, Ruicui 狄更斯海外慈善叙事研究
A Study on Dickens’ Overseas Charity Narration
Chen,Si 《绿帘》的伦理解读
A Literary Ethical Interpretation of “A Curtain of Green”
刁俊春Diao, Junchun 《愤怒》中的战争叙事与伦理关怀
The War Narrative and Ethical Concern in Philip Roth’s Indignation
丁礼明Ding, liming “恋子情结”下儿子保罗自我身份的危机阐释
Crisis Interpretation of Paul’s Self-identity in View of Oedipus Complex
1-5 族裔文学(1)Ethnic Literature (1)
时间/Time:14:10-15:40 地点/ Place: Room 3318
主持人/Chairs:Ward, Jerry Washington, Jr.; 朱小琳/Zhu, Xiaolin
(20 mins) “Django Unchained”: Ambiguous Ethical Response and the Principle of Double Effect
Zhu, Xiaolin 美国非裔文学研究的政治在场与审美困境
African American Literature Studies in China: The Presence of Politics and the Aesthetic
Li, Rongqing “《梅里迪恩》中民权运动歌曲的话语解析”
A reflection on the Civil Rights Song in Meridian
Chen, Hongbo 论索尼娅·桑切斯诗歌形式的自然化
On the Naturalization of Poetic Forms in Sonia Sanchez’s Poetry
Cheng, Xin 菲莉斯•惠特莉诗歌中隐性的种族情感
The Implicit Racial Emotions in Phillis Wheatley’s Poetry
黄 迎Huang, Ying 娜塔莎•特斯维诗集《本土卫士》意象叙事探析
Study on the Imagery of Native Guard
周欢Zhou, Huan The Agency of Black Female Voices in Langston Hughes’s poetry
李蓓蕾Li, Beilei 政治的凝视与反凝视:詹姆斯·韦尔登·约翰逊的诗歌研究
The Political Gazing and Anti-gazing: A Study of James Weldon Johnson’s Poetry
第二场小组讨论/Panel Session 2(16:10-17:40, June 8)
2-1 先锋诗歌与诗歌实验(2)
Avant Garde Poetry and Poetic Experiments (2)
时间/Time:16:10-17:40 地点/ Place: Room 3201 (同声传译室)
主持人/Chairs:Hiromi Ochi, 何庆机/He Qingji
Hiromi Ochi The Modernist Turn in English Studies in Post-World War II Japan
何庆机HE, Qingji 现代主义诗歌的难度美学
Aesthetics of Difficulty of Modernist Poetry
马永波Ma, Yongbo 大卫·安汀谈话诗的复调性
The Polytonality of David Antin’s Talk Poems
晏榕(李佩仑)Yan, Rong 从客体主义到语言诗:论现代诗作为客体或消极性关联物的新形式
From the Objectivism to the L-A-N-G-U-A-G-E: Modern Poetry as a New Form of Objective or Negative Correlatives
李权文Li, Quanwen 论E E 卡明斯诗歌的变异风格
On E E Cummings’s Deviational Style
李 昕Li, Xin 诗歌叙事学的可能、疆界及前景
The Possibility, Scope and Prospects of Poetic Narratology
尹根德Yin, Gende 从诗歌理论和创作实践上看意象派诗歌与深度意象派诗歌在“意象”处理上的异同
A Study of Differences and Similarities of Imagism and Deep Imagism towards “Image” in Poetic Theory and Poetic Practice
2-2 诗歌重读 (2)
Reinterpretation of Poetry (2)
时间/Time:16:10-17:40 地点/ Place: Room 234 (二楼会议室)
主持人:罗益民/Luo Yimin、 Scott Manning Stevens,
Stevens, Scott
Manning *(15mins) New Media, Digital Archives, and Contemporary Native American Poetry
Li, Jiana 艾伦·金斯堡诗歌创作发展论
The Developments of Allen Ginsberg’s Creative Career
Lu Yuming 普拉斯诗作中的三种自我状态
Three Status of Self in Sylvia Plath’s Poetry
凌喆Ling, Zhe 《思绪之狐》:休斯的一个诗学起点
The Thought Fox: A Start Point of Ted Hughes’ Poetics
刘海燕Liu, Haiyan 自由与联姻-论玛丽安·莫尔的后现代婚姻观
Liberty and union-on Marianne Moore’s post-modern marriage viewpoint
Xiao, Yunhua 拉金眼里的大自然:“如此空缺!”——以《空缺》为例解读拉金的存在观
Nature for Larkin: “Such Absences!” ---An Interpretation of Larkin’s Outlook on Existence with A Case Study on “Absences”
唐毅Tang, Yi
Modernist Wisdom and Romantic Vein: Theodore Roethke’s Awareness of Tradition as Reflected in Greenhouse Sequence
张子茉ZHANG, Zimo 埃兹拉·庞德对E.E.卡明斯诗歌的影响
The Heritage of Ezra Pound in the Poetry of E. E. Cummings
2-3 美国文学中的亚洲因素Asian Elements in American Literature
时间/Time:16:10-17:40 地点/ Place: Room 3320
主持人/Chairs:张爱平/Zhang Aiping,张跃军/Zhang Yuejun
Lee, Kun Jong Genre and Race: A Case of the Asian American Short Story Cycle
Zhang, Aiping
(15 mins) A New Army of Transnational Writers: Redefining the Ever-Expanding Anglophone Literature
何木英He, Muying 当代美籍华裔文学的中国文化元素——一项基于数据统计分析的研究
A Statistic Analysis: The Chinese cultural elements in the contemporary Chinese American literature
Wang, Ting 中美文化冲突中的“异乡人”和“边缘人”——从跨文化交际学视角看华裔小说《喜福会》
The “Strangers” and the “Marginal Men” in Intercultural Encounters—An Intercultural Perspective of The Joy Luck Club
张琴Zhang, Qin 解读汤婷婷《宽广余地》中的诗学传统及创新
On the Poetic Tradition and Innovation in Maxine Hong Kingston’s I Love a Broad Margin to My Life
周易Zhou, Yi The Poetic Woman Warrior-----Reinterpreting Kingston’s The Woman Warrior via Kristeva
汤瑶TANG, Yao 格雷•史奈德《神话与文本》中的色空观
The Embodiment of Form and Emptiness in Gary Snyder’s Myths & Texts
2-4 伦理、生态、文学(2)
Ethics, Ecology and Literature (2)
时间/Time:16:10-17:40 地点/ Place: Room 3317
主持人:袁雪生、龙云 Chairs: Yuan Xuesheng, Long Yun
袁雪生Yuan, Xuesheng 菲利普·罗斯小说的伦理批评
An Ethical criticism of Philip Roth’s Fiction
Long, Yun 《洛丽塔》的悲剧审美与伦理反思
Tragic Aesthetics and Ethical Reflections in Lolita
张连桥Zhang, Lianqiao 论《动物园的故事》中的身份危机与人际隔离
On studying of identity crisis and interpersonal isolation in The Zoo Story
王丽艳Wang, Liyan E.L. 多克托罗的犹太伦理观——以小说《世纪博览会》为例
E.L. Doctorow’s Jewish Ethical Ideas displayed in World’s Fair
康 方Kang, Fang 森林中的流放:《皆大欢喜》的伦理学主题
Exile to the Forest——An Ethical Study of As You Like It
田亚曼Tian, Yaman 精神的焦虑与回归——对《雨王汉德森》中多维欲望的阐释
Anxiety and Spiritual Rebirth----The Interpretation of Multi-dimensional Desire in Saul Bellow’s Henderson the Rain King
陈富瑞Chen, Furui 伦理身份的迷失与月兰之疯
The Loss of Ethical Identity and the Madness of Moon Orchid
2-5 族裔文学(2)Ethnic Literature (2)
时间/Time:16:10-17:40 地点/ Place: Room 3318
主持人/Chairs:Tracy, Steven C; 李权文/Li Quanwen
Tracy, Steven C.
(20 mins) A Sterling Performance: Big Boy Davis and “Odyssey of Big Boy”
隋红升Sui, Hongsheng 性别角色观念的反思:《孤独的征战》中的男性气概
Reflection on the Gender Role Concept: On The Masculinity in Lonely Crusade
闵敏Min, Min 黑人身份的不确定性:评苏珊-洛里·帕克斯的“林肯戏剧”
The Uncertainty of Black People’s Identity: On Suzan-Lori Parks’ “the Lincoln Plays”
Wei, Yan 论巴特勒小说《亲缘》中的历史书写
On the History Writing in Octavia E. Butler’s Kindred
Zhang, Jingjing 中国的杜波依斯译介与研究述评
On the History Writing in Octavia E. Butler’s Kindred
刘紫丰Liu, Zifeng 打破“当代性失语”的局限——评欧内斯特·盖恩斯的《刑前一课》
Breaking through the limitation of “Contemporary Aphasia”: An Analysis of Ernest Gaines’s Neo-realistic Novel A Lesson Before Dying
Guo, Xiaoxia 当代美国非裔女性文学中的罪与苦难
The Sin and Suffering in t he Works of Contemporary Afro-American Women Writers
第三场小组讨论/Panel Session 3
(08:10-09:40, June 9)
3-1 诗歌的对话与传播(1)
Dialogue and Diffusion of Poetry (1)
时间/Time:08:10-09:40 地点/ Place: Room 3201 (同声传译室)
主持人:Hidetoshi Tomiyama 谭琼琳 Chairs: Tomiyama, Hidetoshi Tan, Qionglin
Hidetoshi Tomiyama
(20 mins) The Whitmanian antinomianism and Buddhist antinomianism
谭琼琳Tan, Qionglin 《心经》英译与改写:格雷·史奈德生态诗学色空观研究
Heart Sutra and Adaptation: Form and Emptiness in Gary Snyder’s Ecopoetics
王贵明Wang, Guiming "论《华夏集》成集之因——诗人精神的非凡契合:庞德与李白之间诗性和人文精神的灵通"
On the Shaping of Cathay——An unusual communion of minds: the poetic and humanistic sensibility of Ezra Pound and Li Bai
Chen, Xiaohong “垮掉一代”的禅之旅
Beat Generation’s Journey to Zen
Mao, Ming “野径与禅道”:斯奈德生态诗学的禅学因缘
Wildness and the Way of Chan: Snyder’s eco-poetics and Chan
Wang, Ping 欧美现代派诗歌经典的中国之旅
Modern European Classic Poetry in China
徐莹XU, Ying 菲利普·惠伦的“寒山情结”
The Han Shan Complex of Philip Whalen
3-2 诗歌重读 (3)
Reinterpretation of Poetry (3)
时间/Time:08:10-09:40 地点/ Place: Room 234 (二楼会议室)
主持人:梁晓冬、武月明 Chairs: Liang Xiaodong,Wu Yueming
Liang, Xiaodong 身体与自我的主体同构:达菲诗歌的女性身体叙事
Construction of Subjectivity in Body and Self: Duffy’s Female Body Narratives in Poetry
Wu, Yueming 福克纳诗歌研究
A Study of Faulkner’s Poems
王朓Wang, Tiao 卡罗尔.安.达菲的诗路历程
The Growing Course of Carol Ann Duffy’s Poetry Themes
邢锋萍Xing, Fengping “然而我只爱你”——简析乔治•赫伯特的诗歌创作主张
“Yet I Love Thee”: A Brief Analysis of George Herbert’s Poetic Thoughts
张永玲Zhang, Yongling 从“看”到“观”——论金斯伯格细节感悟诗艺观的发展
From “Looking” to “Vapasyana--On the Evolution of Ginsberg’s Poetics of Awareness of Detail
熊霄Xiong, Xiao 双舌、双心——评欧阳昱的诗《双性人》和《倾听一个伦敦大巴上的家伙》
Two Tongues, Two Hearts--On Ouyang Yu’s Two Poems “Double Man” and “Listening to A Guy on a London Bus”
吴斐Wu, Fei
An Analysis of Foregrounding Phenomenon in English Poetry from the Perspective of Cognition
3-3 小说新视角(2)
New Perspectives to Fiction (2)
时间/Time:08:10-09:40 地点/ Place: Room 3320
主持人:刘渊、黄晖 Chairs: Liu Yuan, Huang Hui
黄 晖Huang, Hui 库切小说中的疯癫叙事解读
The Madness Narrative in Coetzee’s novels
刘风山Liu, Fengshan 托马斯·品钦小说与美国神话的颠覆与重构
The Deconstruction of American Myth in Thomas Pynchon’s Fiction
李雪梅Li, Xuemei 欧亨·利的《最后的一片叶子》的圣经原型批评
A Biblical Archetype Criticism on O·Henry’s “The Last Leaf”
段波Duan, Bo 库柏小说中的海洋文化与美国形象建构
Sea Culture and National Image Building in Cooper’s Sea Novels
王晓丹Wang, Xiaodan 《纹身女孩》中的身份建构
The Construction of Identities in The Tattooed Girl
张冬颖Zhang, Dongying 视野的蜕变——论《洛丽塔》中纳博科夫“创造”美国的独特方式
Metamorphosis of Vision-- “Nabokovian” Way of “Inventing” America in Lolita
李丹丹Li, Dandan 《野草在歌唱》揭开种族歧视的伤疤
Racial-discrimination in The Grass Is Singing
3-4 伦理、生态、文学(3)
Ethics, Ecology and Literature (3)
时间/Time:08:10-09:40 地点/ Place: Room 3317
主持人/Chairs: Lee Hyungseob, 杜娟/Du Juan
Lee, Hyungseob Ethical Ambiguities of a Brechtian Narrator in Brian Fri