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导 读...... 001

一、研究内容及研究思路.. 001

)研究问题........ 001

(二)研究思路........ 002

二、本书的主要观点...... 006

Part 1 Literature Review on Bilingual Reading....... 011

Chapter 1 A review: Bilingual development and literacy learning: East Asian

 and international perspectives. 013

Chapter 2 An analysis on effects of language experience on bilingual

 neural representation......... 016

2.1 Introduction.... 016

2.2 Methods ........ 018

2.3 Discussion...... 020

2.4 Conclusion...... 022

Chapter 3 A review and reflection on the study of bilingual reading

 difficulties........ 023

3.1 Identification of reading difficulties in mother tongue    023

3.2 Identification of bilingual reading difficulties ... 027

3.3 Manifestation and theoretical interpretation for bilingual reading

 difficulties .. 028

3.4 Research orientation of Chinese native English reading difficulties    030

Part 2 Influencing Factors for Chinese-English Bilingual Reading  031

Chapter 4 Implicit sublexical access to spelling forms of the first language:

 An ERP study on Chinese-English bilinguals  034

4.1 Introduction.... 034

4.2 Methods ........ 035

4.3 Results......... 038

4.4 Discussion...... 040

Chapter 5 Meaning construction in English reading: the relationship

 between morphology and comprehension.... 042

5.1 Background...... 042

5.2 Research methods 043

5.3 Results and analysis........ 044

5.4 Conclusions and recommendations......... 046

Chapter 6 An ERP study on Chinese natives’ second language

 syntactic grammaticalization.. 047

6.1 Introduction.... 047

6.2 Method.......... 050

6.3 Results......... 053

6.4 Discussion...... 056

6.5 Conclusion...... 057

Chapter 7 The locus of bilinguals’ syntactic grammaticalization: A process of

 transfer or competition?...... 059

7.1 Introduction.... 059

7.2 Method.......... 061

7.3 Results......... 064

7.4 Discussion...... 067

7.5 Conclusion...... 068

Chapter 8 The role of age of acquisition on Chinese native learners’ English word

 processing: An ERP Study...... 069

8.1 Introduction.... 069

8.2 Methods......... 073

8.3 Results......... 076

8.4 General discussion.......... 080

8.5 Conclusion...... 084

Chapter 9 Chinese-English bilinguals processing temporal-spatial

 metaphor. 085

9.1 Introduction.... 086

9.2 Experiment 1.... 090

9.3 Experiment 2.... 096

9.4 General discussion.......... 101

9.5 Conclusions..... 107

Part 3 Characteristics, Presentation and Causes for ESL

 Reading Difficulty..... 108

Chapter 10 Trajectory of reading disability for Chinese

 speakers of English 111

10.1 Introduction... 111

10.2 Research methods........... 113

10.3 Results and discussion..... 114

10.4 Conclusion..... 116

Chapter 11 Cognitive deficits underlying Chinese EFL reading

 comprehension difficulty...... 118

11.1 Introduction... 118

11.2 Method......... 119

11.3 Results and discussion..... 122

11.4 Conclusion..... 126

Chapter 12 Study on the relationship between Chinese-English bilingual

 reading and working memory deficits..... 128

12.1 Introduction... 128

12.2 Research methods........... 129

12.3 Results........ 131

12.4 Discussion .... 133

12.5 Conclusion..... 134

Chapter 13 A revisit on L1 automatic activation during L2 reading:

 An ERP study on Chinese-English bilinguals 135

13.1 Introduction... 136

13.2 Methods........ 139

13.3 Results........ 143

13.4 Discussion..... 147

13.5 Conclusion..... 151

Chapter 14 An ERP Study on the semantic unification mechanism of Chinese native learners

 of English during L2 English reading comprehension   152

14.1 Introduction... 152

14.2 Methods........ 156

14.3 Results ....... 160

14.4 Discussion..... 163

14.5 Conclusion..... 165

Part 4 Identification and Intervention for ESL Reading

 Difficulty... 166

Chapter 15 The predictive sensitivity and specifity of L2 English reading comprehension

 difficulty by code-breaking variables and language variables  169

15.1 Introduction... 170

15.2 Research methods........... 171

15.3 Results........ 173

15.4 Conclusion..... 176

Chapter 16 Reading metacognitive intervention: A preliminary

 study on EFL learners........ 177

16.1 Introduction... 177

16.2 Research methods........... 180

16.3 Data analysis and discussion........... 183

16.4 Discussion..... 185

16.5 Conclusions and implications........... 187

Chapter 17 The relationship between bilingual morphological awareness and

 reading for Chinese EFL adult learners.. 188

17.1 Introduction... 188

17.2 Method......... 196

17.3 Results........ 198

17.4 General discussion......... 204

17.5 Conclusions and implications........... 207

Acknowledgements.... 209

References 210


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